More than You Can See

Thank you to Greg Laychak for this Sunday prompt

This is for One Stop Poetry’s Sunday photograph prompt

I haven’t finished yet,
I still have dreams
Things I vow to do.
There are places
I must visit, holidays to take.
Friends I haven’t met yet,
Men I yearn to hold.
I still want kisses in the moonlight,
The comfort of a hug.
I still thrill to birdsong, shiver
In the sun as it slides gentle
fingers on my skin.
I dream among the stars,
Bellow in the shower
With the sheer joy of living.
I have many seas to swim in,
Railway lines to ride,
Ferries not yet taken, I may yet
Learn to glide, silent, sleek
And graceful through the clouds.
I’m not as you must see me
Sad, bewildered, old.
Ninety’s the new sixty
And I still have dreams to dream.

16 Responses to More than You Can See

  1. i much like the will for life you have given her.. the things she still wants to do, see, feel. thanks for writing the dreams for her sally..

  2. dustus says:

    “Ninety’s the new sixty” Nice! Love the positive spin you took with the photo and how you enumerate joys and simple pleasures in life. Thanks again for joining us.

    • SallyJ says:

      Thank you – and thank you for welcoming me in to the One Stop community. I just love the comradeship and encouragement in what can be a solitary occupation.

  3. Steve says:

    I love the positiveness of this poem ! And I really love the image of her riding the railway lines – maybe it’s just me but I see her riding those lines, in that chair. Lovely poem Sally !

  4. Go for it gal unto the last breath

  5. Reflections says:

    Powerful energies fill within life’s dreams… felt, held gently like the dove, have wings to soar!

  6. brian says:

    smiles. that is exactly how i want to be a dreamer to the end…go for it!

  7. Great pace, energy, an attitude for your MC. Snappy and Sassy. 90 is the new 60; kool!

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